
Authors of Mag7
(A Q & A session)

This is where you get the chance to learn more about some of the great writers we have in this fandom. I'm hoping to have a new profile of a writer up once a month, so come back once in a while and check what's new.

Thanks goes to the Scriptorium, from where I've snatched some of their questions.

Since I don't know all authors out there, especially not the non-ezracentric ones (yes, I'm a very narrow-minded person :-)), I'd love requests from readers. So if you have got a favourite writer you'd like to know a bit more about, let me know and I'll se what I can do. Can't promise anything, though.

November 2004: Sassysioux and Dorkjunkie
Sassysioux and Dorkjunkie are sharing November's limelight, since most of their stories are written in co-operation with each other, and are both well-deserving of the credit.

Lots and lots of long stories, adventure and Vin and Ezra at the center of most of the troubles. What more needs to be said :-)

October 2004: Wyvern
Wyvern, I think, wrote the very first Little Ezra story in this fandom and that one is still my favourite Little Ezra story out of all those that I have read so far. Apart from that she has written many other wonderful OW fics that are well worth the read.

September 2004: Angela B
Angela B is one of those prolific authors who are capable of writing in several different AUs without having them sound alike. Definitely worth mentioning are her Seven B Ranch AU and the Journey to Avalon stories.

August 2004: Debby
Another one of those authors who helped pull me into the Mag7-fandom with her excellent Townsend series, which is based in the ATF AU. And I won't even mention the awesome OW story "The Samaritan's choice"...eh..Ok, so just visit her site, will you!

July 2004: KellyA
She was one of the very first authors I came across when I originally stumbled into the Mag7 fandom and one of the reasons I decided to stay and check it out. KellyA surely knows how to throw a fascinating story together and luckily for us, she has written a lot of them. ATF or OW, they're all wonderful.

June 2004: Heather F
Heather F writes Mag7 like no-one else I've seen. Which isn't a bad thing :-) Quite the opposite, in fact. With Ezra in focus she cleverly incorporates all seven in her stories, ranging from the OW over ATF and even Star Trek.

They are some of the best Ezra-drama/angst stories out there and highly recommendable.

May 2004: Violette
Violette is another one of those authors that you just can't get around in Mag7 if you want the full experience. That is unless you prefer to only read OW which Violette hasn't written any of to date.

Instead she has concentrated on writing a lot of long and wonderful stories in the ATF universe, including the wonderful "Blame" and "Black and white". She even has some OW stories waiting for us in the future, which I personally can't wait to see.

April 2004: MAC
Now, MAC is another of those authors who has perfect control over the universe she is creating. Her Little Ezra stories are an absolute delight to read. Beatiful, sweet and full of imagery.

She is also a very active slash writer, so better be warned. There be slash-references ahead *G*

March 2004: Beth
Not only do we get to enjoy Beth's numerous stories on the net, where she spoils us with both OW, ATF, FBI and other AU stories, but she and her sister also does some awesome drawings as well that can be enjoyed on her site. An extremely talented woman.

Visit her site and remember to check out her recommendable "Where the wind blows"-series.

February 2004: Nottasha
I think this author must have some kind of secret deal going on with the literary muses. Every month she brings us new fic, mostly answers to challenges on the challenge list, without the quality suffering one bit.

She has given us the excellent "Down the Amazon"-series, the "Annie Greer Saga" and the "Southbridge"-Series, just to mention a few.

January 2004: Twyla Jane
Twyla Jane is probably best known for her little Ezra stories of which she's a regular writer to the enjoyment of many. These come in both the OW universe, as well as our time in the "Little Ezra 4C Agency AU".

But Twyla Jane has also developed several other AU's, including "Land of the lost" and "UGCS Rebus Prime".

December 2003: Meg Tipper
I've managed to recruit Meg Tipper as the first writer to give her input into her view of the Magnificent Seven. YAY!

She's the author of many wonderful OW stories like "When rivers rise" and the very funny A-team crossover story "Alpha Males" and its sequel "Two fish run into a wall".

She's also the creator of the AU's "NYC" and "Four Kingdoms", a huge and very exciting fantasy AU.

The Magnificent Seven are owned by MGM, Trilogy Entertainment Group, and Mirisch Corporation. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made. Site layout copyright © 2003-2004 Freyan Fey.



visitors since 19th of December 2003