
Links to other Mag7 pages
(All in no particular order)

If anyone wants links to their pages on my site and I haven't gotten them yet, please contact me. That goes for those who wants their links off my site as well.

Since this page has grown quite large, you can now skip directly to the area you're interested in:

Fanfiction Archives





MGM's official site
- A few nice pics, and that's about it.

Fanfiction Archives

The Ezra Standish Fanfiction Archive
- One of the biggest Ezra archives out there.

Lady Angel's library of Magnificent Seven fanfiction
- Great archive with lots of different AU's.

Blackraptor's Magnificent Seven Archive
- Another huge archive! All seven.

- All Seven. Great search engine. Got an ATF-section, a Gen-section, as well as an adult-section.

Tales of the Seven
- All Seven guaranteed.

The Watering Hole
- Yet another Ezracentric archive. Gotta love those. *G* Just be prepared for some god-awful wav-files playing.

The All-Ezra Fanfic Archive
- Formerly known as Cat's Ezra Standish Fanfiction Archive. Another archive with the focus on Ezra.

Ezra's Littleverse Archive
- As the title says, this is the archive for all the little Ezra fics that have been posted to the Ezra's littleverse list.

The Magnificent Challenge Library

- Always wondered where all those challenge fics seems to come from? This is it. Well, the archive of the stories, anyway. But here you can read all about it.

Old West Fic Lovers
- A smaller general archive that doesn't seem to have been updated since August 2001.

Magnificent Seven Little Britches
- Home of all the LB stories featuring Vin and JD as children.


 The Storyteller *link inactive*
-Kelly A's fanfiction. Unfortunately she no longer writes, but there is still lots of great fiction at her site. Ezracentric. Kelly has moved her fiction to the Blackraptor site.

Tipper's home of the Magnificent Seven
-Meg Tipper's fanfiction. Another great writer, whose stories you do not want to miss. Ezracentric, but the rest get a good part, too.

NotTasha's Ficitional Existence
- Go, read, now! Lots of great fics here. Ezracentric.

- Home of Mitzi, Shawna S. and Heather F's wonderful fiction. Another site that should not be missed. Mostly Ezra, but Mitzi has a lot of Buck as well, and the rest of the seven are there, too.

Violette's The Magnificent Seven
- Fab writer who's promising us a lot more good time with our favorite boys. Ezracentric.

Law of the Range
- Fanfiction by Beth. Mostly Ezra. Another of my favorites.

The Traveling Dimestore Novelist
- Ever wonder what would happen to the boys if they were no longer needed in Four Corners. Here's your chance to find out.

The Seven Brothers AU *link inactive*
- A really well-written and detailed AU written by Rebecca, in which the Seven are brothers, but most of them only meet up after they've grown up.
If anyone knows where Rebecca's site is, please let me know, so I can update my link

The Poker Table
- Yolande's wonderful fics. Mostly Ezra, but a bit of the others as well.

G.M. ATwater's Magnificent Seven fanfiction
- Not only is this the place for great fics, but it's a veritable treasure trove of Mag7 facts. Need some details about the guys or the show in general, this is the place to go.

Wyvern's fanfiction
- This is the home of the great little Ezra story that inspired me to write my own. I think it might also be the very first one written. It's also the place for lots of other great Ezracentric fics.

Twyla Jane's very simple Magnificent Seven Page
- Lots of little Ezra as well as old to be found here: OW, ATF as well as other AU's. Something for everyone.

Bernadette's Ezra Standish fanfiction
- Home of Bernadette's rather extensive archive of fanfiction. Sadly another writer who has left the fandom.

LadySmith's general fiction
- Mostly stories in the ATF AU, but also a few in the OW. Don't forget to check out the excellent gangsters AU as well.

Angela B's Magnificent Seven reading lounge
- Home of Angela's 7 B ranch Au as well as lots of other excellent stories, from ATF to OW.

Purple Lacey's Palace
- A very purple place, but with excellent stories, nonetheless. All AU's, all featuring children. Either OFC or some of the Seven as children.

Tess' Home on the web
- I don't know if Tess actually writes Mag7 anymore, but what she has written is absolutely worth a look.

Christine's reading room
- Not only fic, but interesting essays about the Old West as well. If Christine doesn't know it about the Old West, it's probably not worth knowing.

- Jean Graham's fanfiction site. Lots of long stories in different AU's. Ezra-centric, but with a good deal of the others as well.

The Magnificent Bedlam Boys
- A site dedicated to Ezra, Vin, Chris and Buck. Contains stories from six different authors, as well as a lot of montages by St. Barb.

Mistresses of Malarkey
- Fanfiction as well as a lot of other stuff, including games and home of the MoM awards.

One Destiny Place
- Home of Cin, Heidi, Monica M and Debra M. Includes such gems as Seven Toy Soldiers and Maverick Men I & II.

Heroes are us
- Fanfiction by Heather Hillsden and Sue Salter with emphasis on Ezra, Chris, Vin and Buck.

Larabees Elite
- This is where Sassysouix and Dorkjunkie hangs out. They have lots of stories featuring Vin and Ezra, OW and their own AU called Presidential Task Force. They also have several guest authors on their page.


- My own lis which I run together with Circe. It's basically just an update list (as the name implies) for anyone with a mag7website or an interest in knowing what's being posted to the different websites out there.

- A group for Ezraholics. Mostly about Ezra, but a tonne of OT messages, too.

- The list for many of the challenges around.

Ezra's Littleverse
- Ezra as a child.

-For all the different AU's out there.

- About the Seven as family.

- A hurt/comfort list for our seven guys

- A list for those stories where one or more of the Seven are kids.

- A general fanfiction list.


The Fringedweller's Guides
- This is not a mag7-only site, but covers several shows and movies. It's basically a bunch of women commentating all the episodes, but they are quite funny.

Death Dogs tourist guide to Mag7 fanfiction
- A very large recommendations list.

Historical Resources for Fanfiction Writers
- Reference sources en masse. If you need some information for a story you are writing, here might be a good place to start.

The sharpshoother
- Worldwidewen's page. I had my quarrels about whether to put this page under authors or not, since there is also fanfiction on the site. But it is also one of the best Mag7 galleries I've come across. So it ended here :-)

- A perfect example of what NOT to do in both websitedesign and storytelling ;-) A good laugh, and who knows, you might even learn something! Remember to check out the awards.


The Magnificent Seven are owned by MGM, Trilogy Entertainment Group, and Mirisch Corporation. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made. Site layout copyright © 2003-2004 Freyan Fey.